2024-25 RSCA grant awardees

Cal Poly's Division of Research is pleased to announce the awards for the 2024-25 cycle of the Research, Scholarly and Creative Activities (RSCA) grant program. 

The RSCA faculty grant program is supported by funds from the CSU Chancellor's Office and the Cal Poly Provost's Office and is designed to enable faculty to contribute new knowledge through robust programs of scholarship focused on strengthening California socially, culturally and economically. The RSCA program is one mechanism by which Cal Poly supports the teacher-scholar model, in which faculty integrate excellence in teaching with excellence in research, scholarly and creative activities. 

The Division of Research received 58 proposals requesting a total of $983,000. Using the criteria outlined in the RSCA Request for Proposals and guided by the review and rankings of the Academic Senate Grants Review Committee, over $310,000 in funds have been awarded to 18 projects. 

The Division of Research congratulates those who were awarded grants and thanks everyone who submitted proposals. The team also extends a special thank you to the members of the Academic Senate Grants Review Committee for their contributions to this important program. 

The 2024-25 awarded projects are:  

  • “Effects of microplastics on reproduction and development of sea urchins as a model organism.” Nikki Adams, (BCSM- Biological Sciences). 

  • “How does soil health impact coffee cupping quality?”; Nicholas Babin, (CAFES-Natural Resouces Management and Environmental Sciences). 

  • “Evolutionary adaptation and rangewide population genomics of the imperiled Dunes Sagebrush Lizard”; Lauren Chan (BCSM- Biological Sciences). 

  • “Building a Learn by Doing User Experience Partnership between Academic Libraries and Technical and Professional Communication at Cal Poly”; Heather Cribbs, (Robert E. Kennedy Library), Krista Sarraf (CLA-English), Danielle Daugherty (Robert E. Kennedy Library) and Morgan White (CLA-English). 

  • “Challenges in Local Climate Adaptation: Exploring the Impact of Shrimp Aquaculture in Bangladesh”; Nikhil Deb, (CLA- Social Sciences). 

  • “Harmonizing Motion and Message: A Unified Framework for Control and Communication in Connected Autonomous Vehicles”; Siavash Farzan and Payam Nayeri (CENG-Electrical Engineering). 

  • “Synergistic Optimization of Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries: Enhancing Grid-Scale Energy Storage Through Comprehensive Catholyte, Anolyte, and Membrane Integration”; Seamus Jones, (CENG- Materials Engineering). 

  • “Women in Construction Research Seminar”; Stacy Kolegraff, (CAED- Construction Management) and Kylie Parrotta (CLA-Social Sciences). 

  • “Student Parent Perspectives on Early Life Adversity Science, Lived-Experience, and Children’s Health”; Martine Lappe, (CLA- Social Sciences). 

  • “Development of novel composite flexible electrodes towards wearable supercapacitors”; Leily Majidi (CENG- Mechanical Engineering). 

  • “Belonging Beyond Boundaries: A Multi-Modal Machine Learning Inquiry into Student Well-Being, Professor Mindsets, and Bias in Computing and STEM Education”; Sumona Mukhopadhyay, (CENG- Computer Science and Software Engineering), Dr. Julie Bettergarcia (CLA-Psychology & Child Development) and Dr. Zoe Wood (CENG- Computer Science & Software Engineering). 

  • “Statistical methods for environmental genomics”; Trevor Ruiz, (BCSM- Statistics). 

  • “Expectations for Good Engineers: Impacts of Structural Engineering Culture on Diversity”; Lara K. Schubert, (CLA-Women's, Gender and Queer Studies). 

  • “Engaging Architecture:  Enhancing and Evaluating Multi-Sensory Experience in Sites of Cultural Heritage with Spatial Computing and Emotion-AI" Jennifer Shields, (CAED- Architecture) and Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez (CENG- Computer Science & Software Engineering). 

  • “Building Pathways to Computer Science Careers for Latinx Students Through Multilingual Collaborative Block-Based Programming” Dev Sisodia and Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez (CENG- Computer Science & Software Engineering). 

  • “Homelessness-based Impact Hiring and Consumers Contagion Concerns” Cindy Wang, (OCOB- Marketing). 

  • “Tiny Neural Networks for Microcontrollers: with applications to sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics” Siyuan Xing, (CENG- Mechanical Engineering). 

  • “Synergistic Catalysis Enabled Chemical Recycling of Plastic Waste” Shanju Zhang, (BCSM-Chemistry and Biochemistry). 

View the proposal abstracts for these projects.

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