RSCA Grant Awardees 24-25: Proposal Abstracts

“Effects of microplastics on reproduction and development of sea urchins as a model organism.” Nikki Adams, (BCSM- Biological Sciences). 

Plastic pollution in the world’s oceans and its impacts on organisms and been documented as early as the 1960s. For example, marine organisms can ingest plastics, leading to malnourishment due to a false sense of fullness and they may experience ecotoxicological effects from leachates in plastics. More recently, heightened attention has been directed towards microplastics (fragments or fibers smaller than 5mm). Microplastics are prevalent in all ecosystems and organisms tested, including humans, posing potential threats to overall organismal health. Although recent studies have helped us understand impacts that microplastics have on marine organisms and human health, there are many gaps in our understanding of the pervasiveness and effects of microplastics in aquatic environments, especially on reproduction and development of all organisms. Sea urchins have served as a model organism for studying impacts of toxicants on reproduction, fertilization, and development of animals for over 100 years because they have similar cellular mechanisms for gametogenesis, fertilization and early embryonic development to humans and they are easy to procure, culture and observe in the laboratory. We will use CA purple sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus purpuratus, as a model organism to pursue two main objectives: 1. Identify whether local adult sea urchins consume microplastics and quantify the concentrations of microplastics in sea urchin tissues and 2. Identify effects of microplastics on reproduction and development of offspring from these adult sea urchins. Preliminary data from this award will help procure data for a Graduate Research Fellowship and a full 3-year proposals to the National Science Foundation.

“How does soil health impact coffee cupping quality?”; Nicholas Babin, (CAFES-Natural Resouces Management and Environmental Sciences). 

Coffee is one of the world's most beloved and traded commodities and is celebrated for its diversity of flavors, aromas and characteristics. Coffee quality is a result of many factors, including the agroecological interaction between coffee plants and the health of the soil in which they grow. However, unlike other crops such as wine grapes or vegetables, the relationship between soils and quality is very poorly understood in coffee. This proposed project evaluates the relationship between soil composition and coffee quality in Costa Rican coffee farms. The project will further our scientific understanding of this relationship as well as assess and compare traditional and scientific understandings of soil health. The results will be used to inform management recommendations for coffee farmers in Costa Rica, as well as for the emerging coffee growing sector in California. This project is a direct outgrowth from student research projects in the Cal Poly in Costa Rica Program that I lead every summer, and analysis of soil and coffee quality data will result in two graduate theses and two undergraduate senior projects. The project will also strengthen an ongoing collaboration between Cal Poly, the Corberosa Coffee Company in San Luis Obispo and coffee farmers in Costa Rica and California to produce a CAFES brand coffee with authentic links to Cal Poly teaching, scholarship and service.

“Evolutionary adaptation and rangewide population genomics of the imperiled Dunes Sagebrush Lizard”; Lauren Chan (BCSM- Biological Sciences). 

The project proposed here investigates the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard, a species found only in shinnery oak sand dune habitats of southeastern New Mexico and adjacent Texas. This species is heavily impacted by oil, gas, and sand mining and is currently under review for federal listing under the Endangered Species Act. Understanding how both recent land-use changes as well as ancient evolutionary processes have impacted populations is critical for effective conservation. With student collaborators, we will collect morphological and genomic data to test for population divergence and local adaptation across the range. We will utilize existing museum specimens to gather morphometric data for traits relevant to locomotion and physiology. We will additionally utilize a genomic approach to generate an annotated reference genome for the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard that will provide important genomic context for this and future studies. Finally, we will collect genome-wide genetic data for individuals sampled throughout the range of the Dunes Sagebrush Lizard. These data combined with the annotated genome will allow us to assess both neutral and adaptive genomic variation over time. This research will provide insight into the relative roles of recent versus ancient processes in generating patterns of divergence and will have immediate relevance to conservation informing important management decisions.

“Building a Learn by Doing User Experience Partnership between Academic Libraries and Technical and Professional Communication at Cal Poly”; Heather Cribbs, (Robert E. Kennedy Library), Krista Sarraf (CLA-English), Danielle Daugherty (Robert E. Kennedy Library) and Morgan White (CLA-English). 

In response to growing student interest in the field of user experience (UX), the goal of this project is to prototype a scalable UX Learn by Doing program in which Cal Poly student researchers will work alongside instructors and librarians to improve accessibility and usability of the Robert E. Kennedy Library’s digital interfaces. The project leverages the recent establishment of Cal Poly’s User Experience for Social Impact Project by implementing a collaborative project between Robert E. Kennedy Library (REKL), faculty and students in Technical and Professional Communication. Through developing and piloting user experience curriculum and activities, students, faculty, and librarians will improve the accessibility and usability of the REKL’s digital interface for all community members. Specifically, students will learn to align library interfaces with contemporary design standards and ensure an optimal user experience for all members of the campus community. The proposed research methodology and collaborative approach make this project innovative and impactful, contributing to the advancement of inclusive digital practices within educational institutions. The proposed project emphasizes active student and faculty engagement in applied research, enhancing student learning outcomes by integrating hands-on projects within academic library settings. 

“Challenges in Local Climate Adaptation: Exploring the Impact of Shrimp Aquaculture in Bangladesh”; Nikhil Deb, (CLA- Social Sciences). 

This project will explore the ramifications of export-oriented shrimp aquaculture within the coastal rural communities of southwestern Bangladesh, a region known as “ground zero” for climate change. Through this project, I am transitioning from studying the nexus between economic activities and environmental injustice in India to a new commitment—exploring how climate justice in Bangladesh is entwined with global politicaleconomic dynamics. Promoted by political and economic actors as a solution for coastal transformation, shrimp aquaculture has become the second-largest contributor to foreign currency reserves in Bangladesh. It is hailed for enhancing productivity while concurrently bolstering resilience to climate change (World Bank 2010). However, few empirical studies have critically addressed its drawbacks, including diminishing local livelihoods and weakening homegrown strategies for navigating climatic shocks. With RSCA support, this project will investigate how the development of export-laden shrimp aquaculture has overshadowed the importance of traditional rice farming, which families of lower socioeconomic status and specifically female-headed households have relied on for centuries. Quantitative and qualitative data will come from fieldwork and survey research in three communities of Khulna district in southwestern Bangladesh. Findings will advance our understanding of how (a) development practitioners’ thinking is constrained by the technocratic politics of resilience that currently dominate the institutional narrative of climate change, and (b) climate adaptation practices might benefit from knowledge of the place-specific strategies of people already living in areas most affected by climate change. RSCA funds are requested for a research trip, summer salary, and student assistants to assist in the preparation of external grant proposals.

“Harmonizing Motion and Message: A Unified Framework for Control and Communication in Connected Autonomous Vehicles”; Siavash Farzan and Payam Nayeri (CENG-Electrical Engineering). 

Given the transformative potential of autonomous vehicles within modern transportation systems, addressing interdisciplinary challenges collaboratively is crucial to ensure their successful implementation. This research aims to establish a unified framework for the control and communication of AVs, specifically designed to address the challenges posed by the communication medium within a multi-agent control framework. By leveraging advancements in Cellular Vehicle-to-Everything (C-V2X), enhanced Wi-Fi P (802.11p), as well as 5G and the emerging 6G technologies, we aim to develop adaptive and robust control strategies that take into account the bottlenecks in Vehicle-to-Vehicle (V2V) and Vehicle-to-Infrastructure (V2I) interactions, such as communication delays, noise, and uncertainties inherent in the models. The research is structured around two primary objectives: first, to analyze the bottlenecks and uncertainties associated with the aforementioned communication mediums, and second, to design safety-critical multi-agent controllers that are resilient and adaptable to these challenges. The methodology involves the development of control Lyapunov function and barrier functions, integrated with robust and adaptive control techniques, to ensure stability and safety within a networked system of AVs amid communication uncertainties, thereby establishing a unified framework for control and communications in connected AVs. This dual approach combines theoretical analysis with practical experimentation, incorporating simulations and real-world testing in a scaled city-like environment using mobile robots. Participating students will gain invaluable hands-on experience in cutting-edge automotive and communication technologies, preparing them for advanced careers in engineering and research. Additionally, the project's innovative approach and expected outcomes position it favorably for securing future external funding from prestigious entities such as the National Science Foundation (NSF), the Department of Transportation (DoT), or the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans).

“Synergistic Optimization of Aqueous Organic Redox Flow Batteries: Enhancing Grid-Scale Energy Storage Through Comprehensive Catholyte, Anolyte, and Membrane Integration”; Seamus Jones, (CENG- Materials Engineering). 

Aqueous Organic Redox flow batteries (AORFBs) are energy storage devices with the potential to produce a cost-effective solution to current energy storage needs associated with decarbonization of our energy supply. These devices consist of three principal parts: the anolyte (a fluid that stores electrons that can be used to power devices), catholyte (a fluid that accepts these stored electrons), and a membrane that enables this electron transport (Figure 1). These devices are highly promising in part because of their long-term durability and ability to undergo charge-discharge cycles many thousands of times with minimal losses to energy storage capacity. Key to AORFBs is the membrane, which contacts both the catholyte and anolyte fluids and prevents their intermixing. Failure of the membrane to keep these fluids separate can lead to device failure by a phenomenon dubbed “crossover.” Despite its importance, current studies of crossover are insufficient since the bulk of current literature has focused on the development of new catholyte and anolyte fluids. The proposed work aims to advance our understanding of crossover and its impact on membrane design and overall device performance. I will characterize an array of catholyte, anolyte, and membrane materials in order to develop rules for cell design. By integrating experimental findings with theoretical insights, this research will provide a holistic understanding of crossover mechanisms and establish guidelines for optimizing membranes. Furthermore, this study will explore the broader implications of crossover on AORFB performance, including energy efficiency, capacity retention, and lifetime.

“Women in Construction Research Seminar”; Stacy Kolegraff, (CAED- Construction Management) and Kylie Parrotta (CLA-Social Sciences). 

The construction industry is male-dominated, with only 13% of construction workers identifying as female.Within the skilled trades, this number plummets to fewer than 3%. Employers have attempted to increase women’s entry and retention in the workforce to offset industry labor shortages, but little progress has been made in over 20 years. Limited research surrounds women’s experiences within different sectors of the U.S. construction industry, at different career stages and life events (i.e., motherhood), or in life-work balance. Additionally, women students in Construction Management have limited access to hearing about women’s experiences since their identity is rarely reflected in faculty and invited speakers, and their experiences and perspectives may not be fully understood, appreciated, or discussed with a majority of the faculty. This project will develop and host a Women In Construction Symposium for students, faculty, and industry members to meet, discuss papers/topics in question, and examine the issues and trends associated with women in construction. This includes (1) sharing student and faculty research regarding women’s experiences in construction, (2) hosting panels to discuss and exchange of ideas from experts within the field, and (3) providing instruction and advice on career path advancement, and (4) discussing life-work balance, and (5) developing social networks. The project will include a call for proposals (Fall 2024), review and award of proposals (Winter 2025), and Symposium (Spring 2025). From the symposium’s discussions and panels, solutions and recommendations can develop for the next step to be actioned and continuing research ideas.

“Student Parent Perspectives on Early Life Adversity Science, Lived-Experience, and Children’s Health”; Martine Lappe, (CLA- Social Sciences). 

The science of Early Life Adversity (ELA) has gained growing attention in recent years. ELA refers to prenatal and childhood experiences that can cause biological and behavioral changes associated with poorer health outcomes in later life. Despite increased public health and biomedical research, no study to date has examined student parent perspectives on ELA science and how this shapes their caregiving experiences. This project is the first to address the social impacts of ELA science from a health justice perspective by focusing specifically on the perspectives of student parents. Gaining this knowledge is important, as supportive parenting has been shown to ameliorate the effects of ELA, but is also shaped by social inequities and institutional barriers. This RSCA grant will therefore support three objectives: 1) inclusion of student parents as a new study population with unique insights on ELA science, 2) summer pay for an undergraduate research assistant with livedexperience and student parent advocacy expertise, and 3) summer pay and a course release to complete two scholarly outcomes associated with study results. These outcomes are a student co-authored article based on qualitative interviews with student parents and an extramural grant submission to support the completion of my first book examining the intersections of health justice, ELA, and parenting in the United States. This RSCA project will advance a new area of my scholarship, benefit Cal Poly and students by providing Learn by Doing opportunities, and produce meaningful results that will shape local and national policy based on student parent

“Development of novel composite flexible electrodes towards wearable supercapacitors”; Leily Majidi (CENG- Mechanical Engineering). 

The development of flexible energy storage devices has received much attention due to the increasing demand for advanced technologies such as portable and wearable electronic devices. Flexible supercapacitors (FSCs) are new generation energy storage devices with light weight, low cost, superior charging and discharging rate, and long cycle life. While the research on FSCs has significantly advanced recently, finding multi-functional electrode materials has remained to be a challenge. The electrodes must provide high energy density, considerable deformability, and safe operational windows. Among the studied materials in composite polymer-based
electrodes, there is a lack of comprehensive studies on the implementation of two-dimensional transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDC), a family of materials with attractive electrochemical and electronic properties. This student-centered project will be focused on the development and characterization of flexible electrodes using conductive polymers and TMDCs towards FSCs. Students will fabricate 2D sheets of TMDCs using liquidphase exfoliation. Moreover, they will develop an experimental setup to produce TMDC and polymer-based wearable electrodes using electrospinning. Extensive studies will be performed on the morphological, mechanical, and electrical properties of the electrodes through internal and external collaborations. This project will lead to student involvement, establishing long-term research and teaching at Cal Poly, potential publications, and external grant proposals.

“Belonging Beyond Boundaries: A Multi-Modal Machine Learning Inquiry into Student Well-Being, Professor Mindsets, and Bias in Computing and STEM Education”; Sumona Mukhopadhyay, (CENG- Computer Science and Software Engineering), Dr. Julie Bettergarcia (CLA-Psychology & Child Development) and Dr. Zoe Wood (CENG- Computer Science & Software Engineering). 

Introductory programming courses are challenging for undergraduate students. Moreover, there are additional obstacles for underrepresented students in Computer Science (majors). Evidence shows a lack of diversity in computing which breeds implicit bias leading to stereotyping based on ethnicity, race, gender, first-generation, or low-income status, among other attributes and their intersections. These concerns influence academic outcomes and negatively impacts belonging, engagement, and interest in STEM. Previous research findings suggest that belonging affects psychology which in turn influences academic success and mental health. We
must seek out strategies that aim to enhance STEM equity. The goal is to develop an AI/ML technique to investigate student belongingness in introductory programming courses to support inclusive education and learning. The study involves curating a dataset from multiple modalities (text-data and EEG signals) based on interactions with students. Patterns indicating perceptions of professors having either a fixed or growth mindset and studying its influence on academic performance will be extracted using multi-modal deep learning. The project is interdisciplinary rooted in psychology, computing, equity and inclusion. To date, research on professors’ growth and fixed mindsets has not examined physiological correlation to belongingness and mental health. Our research explores the interplay between social identities on academic performance and psychological well-being. Thus, our research is poised to inform strategies that can foster greater equity in STEM and help broaden the STEM pipeline across race and gender lines. The outcome is to create an educational environment that provides belongingness which is conducive to a holistic positive
learning experience.

“Statistical methods for environmental genomics”; Trevor Ruiz, (BCSM- Statistics). 

This project aims to develop statistical methodology for identifying ecological associations between genomic data and environmental, physical, and biological data. Many ecological studies collect physical samples of water, soil, or other media for genomic metabarcoding to measure environmental DNA (eDNA) for a variety of purposes (Ruppert et al. 2019); often these samples are co-located space and time with additional survey measurements (e.g., James et al. 2022). Such data provide a potential means of investigating relationships between eDNA composition and macroscopic ecological and environmental features across space and time, but statistical methodology to support such analyses is under-developed in key respects. Specifically, while there are a variety of methods that capture relationships between compositional (i.e., genomic) and noncompositional (i.e., environmental/physical/biological) variables, few facilitate adjustment of inferred relationships for covariates or dependence among observations due to spatial and temporal sampling patterns, both of which are present among ecological data. This project proposes to: (1) develop a partial least squares (PLS) framework that explicitly incorporates these adjustments; (2) create, implement, and validate estimation algorithms; and (3) apply the methodology in a case study identifying microbial correlates of marine mammal abundance in which associations are properly corrected for environmental confounders. The project will produce results supporting a broader proposal to obtain external funding for a two-year project and create research opportunities at both the undergraduate and graduate level.

“Expectations for Good Engineers: Impacts of Structural Engineering Culture on Diversity”; Lara K. Schubert, (CLA-Women's, Gender and Queer Studies).

The project aims to articulate unacknowledged social norms within structural engineering in the SF Bay Area and LA. These norms may be gendered, raced, aligned with privileged identities even if diversity and inclusion are the expressed aims of firms and the professional organization. The work will assess the impact on engineers from underrepresented communities and show if/how invisible cultural values work against diversification, leading to attrition of professional engineers. Scholars have established how invisible cultures of STEM contribute to a lack of diversity (e.g. McIlwee and Robinson 1992; Faulkner 2007; Faulkner 2009; Cech et al. 2011; Hatmaker 2013; Seron et al. 2016; Secules et al. 2018) 

“Engaging Architecture:  Enhancing and Evaluating Multi-Sensory Experience in Sites of Cultural Heritage with Spatial Computing and Emotion-AI" Jennifer Shields, (CAED- Architecture) and Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez (CENG- Computer Science & Software Engineering). 

This project investigates the combined application of spatial computing (including mixed reality technologies) alongside Emotion-AI (artificial intelligence focused on recognizing human emotional states in real time) at cultural heritage sites. Spatial computing has the potential to enhance multi-sensory experiences and deepen contextual understanding for all visitors, particularly aiding those with cognitive or sensory impairments. This is achieved by integrating video and audio sensory enhancements into the physical world. Emotion AI facilitates a detailed assessment of visitor engagement through the analysis of neurological and physiological responses. It provides insights into the emotional triggers of visitors, making it possible to tailor a more personalized and accessible experience, catering to the unique needs and preferences of each visitor.

In collaboration with Cara O’Brien, the Director of Hearst Castle, we are developing a case study focusing on the 15th-century Wildmen statues at the Castle's entrance. We will create a permanent exhibit in the Visitor Center Museum that will utilize video and audio projections to underscore the statues’ historical importance and context, providing accessible information for visitors with sensory impairments. We will then do a study utilizing mixed-reality headsets equipped with eye-tracking capabilities and consumer-grade wireless EEG devices, in which we will explore more effective methods of merging digital content with the physical environment. Furthermore, this project intends to enhance the educational experience of architecture and computer science students, offering them the opportunity to learn-by-doing exhibit design, artificial intelligence in enhancing human experiences, and technology to support connecting people more deeply with cultural and historical contexts.

“Building Pathways to Computer Science Careers for Latinx Students Through Multilingual Collaborative Block-Based Programming” Dev Sisodia and Dr. Javier Gonzalez-Sanchez (CENG- Computer Science & Software Engineering). 

The lack of diversity in the field of computer science necessitates innovative approaches to attract underrepresented student populations. Furthermore, in an era where programming education is increasingly vital, introducing computational thinking to K-12 students presents unique challenges. For students in the Latinx community, some of the major challenges include equitable access to educational resources, and addressing the demand for multilingual educational tools. This project stems from our interactions with middle school and high school Latinx students throughout the 2022-2023 academic year at EPIC 2023, the 2023 Latinx Learn by Doing Lab, and the 2022 United by Excellence-Latinx event. These engagements highlighted the aforementioned challenges and underscored the need for improved access to computers and collaborative educational tools. In this project, we will address the aforementioned challenges by building a co-located collaborative gamebased programming environment that supports multiple languages including English, Spanish, and Mixtec, an indigenous language spoken in parts of Mexico. This tool will be available across phone, tablets, and laptops, thereby enhancing outreach efforts. With this tool, we aim to engage students from diverse backgrounds and with varying levels of interest in programming, challenging the misconception that computer-based activities are inherently solitary or that technology is ubiquitously accessible. Our approach breaks from traditional paradigms by encouraging collaboration and communication among peers, debunking the myth of isolated learning in programming. It emphasizes that experts can make errors and novices have valuable ideas to contribute, thereby fostering a democratic learning environment.

“Homelessness-based Impact Hiring and Consumers Contagion Concerns” Cindy Wang, (OCOB- Marketing). 

Homelessness is one of the most challenging, widespread, and enduring issues facing societies across the world. Within the US, the most recent assessment by the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD 2021) found that rates of homelessness have increased for the last four consecutive years. Despite extensive policy efforts, the intricate nature of systems, particularly the labor market, continues to contribute to persistently high homelessness rates. The inherent barriers, such as the requirement for a home address on job applications, perpetuate a cycle of poverty by excluding individuals without a fixed address from valuable employment opportunities (Fowler et al. 2019; Golabek-Goldman 2016). In response to this critical issue, a potential market-based solution has emerged in the form of "impact hiring" (IH) directives adopted by brands in the food and beverage industry, representing both non-profit and for-profit organizations. Noteworthy examples include Change Please Coffee, Ben & Jerry’s, Starbucks, MOD Pizza, and Dave’s Killer Bread. The success of this solution hinges on consumer response, as brands can sustain and expand IH practices only if consumers actively support them through product purchases. However, our synthesis of existing literature suggests that overlooked obstacles may hinder consumer adoption of such initiatives.
While literature commonly indicates positive consumer responses to brands engaging in social responsibility initiatives aligned with moral causes, our research investigates a meaningful exception to this trend. We explore the emerging market practice of companies deliberately employing individuals experiencing homelessness through IH initiatives. Contrary to the prevailing norm, we suggest that consumers hold unfavorable perceptions of products from brands implementing IH practices, despite having positive moral judgments of the brand. Drawing on insights from psychology, sociology, and consumer behavior, our research theorizes that this effect
is rooted in core disgust activated by stigma-driven contagion concerns. This emotional response overrides consumers' otherwise favorable cognitive moral judgments, offering a nuanced perspective on the interplay between cognition and emotion in moral domains of consumption. Furthermore, our research aims to test the effectiveness of two theory-driven marketing interventions to enhance consumer response and facilitate communication of IH initiatives without diminishing consumer adoption. By doing so, we contribute to a more comprehensive theoretical understanding of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), considering not only outward support for the social mission but also intrinsic, sometimes competing, self-protective motives in consumer decision-making. In extending theories of moral psychology, our study highlights the profound impact of a non-moral emotion, core disgust, on consumer behavior within the realm of social responsibility. Ultimately, we aim to provide actionable guidance for marketers by testing stigma-based and contagion-based interventions that may overcome obstacles to consumer adoption of homelessness-based IH practices, fostering positive social change and inclusive business practices.

“Tiny Neural Networks for Microcontrollers: with applications to sparse identification of nonlinear dynamics” Siyuan Xing, (CENG- Mechanical Engineering). 

Microcontrollers are low-powered and resource-limited computing devices that are ubiquitous in digitized industrial applications, such as process automation, data acquisition, monitoring, motor control, communication and networking, to name a few. In 2021, over 30 billion such units were delivered, and this figure is projected to rise to 35.8 billion by 2026, according to a recent IC Insights report [1].
The potential for enhancing the intelligence of billions of edge devices through the integration of machine learning is vast and holds the promise of significant societal transformation. However, deploying deep neural networks (DNNs) on microcontrollers presents a considerable challenge. The primary issue is their limited memory capacity, typically in the kilobyte range, which is insufficient for running DNNs that generally require megabytes of memory. Therefore, there's a critical need to develop compact neural networks suitable for resource-constrained edge devices. The Principal Investigator's recent work has led to the creation of the Separable Gaussian Neural Networks (SGNN). These networks deliver performance comparable to larger DNNs, like Multilayer Perceptron (MLP), but require significantly less memory. Building on this innovation, this project aims to further bridge the gap by developing and optimizing tiny neural networks. A key application of this research will be the implementation of SGNN in Deep Reinforcement Learning to control the locomotion of a hopping robot. Support will fund the Principal Investigator's research time, assist graduate students, and enable sharing outcomes via publications and conferences. Successful results will pave the way for a future NSF CPS/FRR program proposal.

“Synergistic Catalysis Enabled Chemical Recycling of Plastic Waste” Shanju Zhang, (BCSM-Chemistry and Biochemistry). 

Plastics are the world’s most versatile materials, and nearly everything ranging from high-tech electronics to daily food wrap can be made from plastics. However, most of discarded plastics after a single use are difficult to recycle or degrade and they often end up in landfills and oceans, resulting in millions of tons of plastic waste. In this project, we propose to use the composite catalysts composed of ionic liquid (IL) and nanoparticles (NPs) to turn discarded plastic waste into the constituent monomers that can regenerate the original plastics. We are interested in chemical recycling of poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET) in ethylene glycol (EG) using synergistic catalysis of imidazolium-based ionic liquid and ZnO nanoparticles. Our objectives are: 1) Discover new chemical principles of determining the catalyst design for chemical recycling of plastic waste. We will design composite catalysts composed of imidazolium-based ILs and ZnO NPs that enable specific interactions between catalysts and polymers to increase the catalytic activity and selectivity. 2) Disclose the physical principles of governing the dynamic depolymerization. We will investigate the depolymerization kinetics with variations of reaction temperature, reaction time, catalyst composition and dose, and EG dose. The benefits of these studies to Cal Poly include student research training, curriculum updates, peer-reviewed publications, and external funding acquisition. If successful, the project will have broad impact on the plastic waste management toward the circular economy and thus raise Cal Poly’s reputation in the field.

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