Strategic Research Initiative: Data Science & Analytics
With its emphasis on Learn by Doing and applied work, Cal Poly occupies a unique space in the data science and data analytics area. Faculty and students in this theme are developing a new, innovative cross-campus framework to enable us to better identify and share opportunities for Cal Poly to make contributions as a data science and analytics leader in California, the nation, and beyond.
View the Data Science & Analytics Theme Flyer Here!
Data Science and Analytics
The team from all six colleges envisions a Cal Poly that embraces “data science for all” in a way that supports innovative faculty research and enhances student development and learning. The team also emphasizes “data for good” as a guiding principle, ensuring that ethical concerns — about the creation and use of data, as well as the imperatives to increase diversity, equity and inclusion — are infused throughout their efforts.
The multidisciplinary research team includes:
College of Agriculture, Food & Environmental Sciences
Mohamad Abo Ismail
Matt Haberland
College of Architecture & Environmental Design
Miran Day
Amir Hajrasouliha
College of Engineering
Paul Anderson
Alex Dekhtyar
Foaad Khosmood
Franz Kurfess
Theresa Migler
Reza Pouraghabagher
Lynne Slivovsky
Lubomir Stanchev
Liz Thompson
Jonathan Ventura
Zoë Wood
College of Liberal Arts
Greg Domber
Andrew Fricker
Ryan Jenkins
Martine Lappé
College of Science & Mathematics
Kelly Bodwin
Tina Cheuk
Jean Davidson
Elena Dimitrova
Hunter Glanz
Anya Goodman
Ashley Ringer McDonald
Dennis Sun
Orfalea College of Business
Brennan Davis
Katya Vasilaky
Information Technology Services / Cal Poly Digital Transformation Hub
Paul Jurasin
Kennedy Library
Russ White