Proposal Development Program


Cal Poly is committed to the teacher-scholar model in which faculty integrate excellence in teaching with excellence in research, scholarly and creative activities. The teacher-scholar model enables faculty to fulfill the CSU mission as an institution committed to quality undergraduate and graduate education, to the advancement of knowledge through basic and applied research, to the enrichment of society through creative activities in the arts and humanities, and to serving our community. The Division of Research proactively strives to create an inclusive, equitable and diverse environment in which the professional development, scholarship, research, and creative accomplishments of faculty, students and staff are encouraged, rewarded and valued both on campus and at the local, state and national levels. Together, we foster and support the on-going growth and work of students, teacher-scholars, researchers and professionals. 

Teacher-Scholar Model 

At Cal Poly, the teacher-scholar model is the embodiment of Learn by Doing for faculty. The teacher-scholar model acknowledges the importance of engagement in continuous learning in one’s field as a qualification of teaching. It enables faculty to continuously develop new knowledge, integrate scholarship into the learning process, and innovate industry-relevant curriculum. The teacher-scholar model puts students at the center of experiential learning. Students benefit from a vibrant learning environment when faculty are provided the time to pursue continued professional and intellectual growth through engagement in research, scholarship and creative activity. The Cal Poly framework for the teacher-scholar model, adopted by the Academic Senate in AS-725-11 Resolution on Defining and Adopting the Teacher-Scholar Model, is based on Ernest Boyer’s classification of scholarly activity: 

  • Discovery - the pursuit of inquiry and investigation in search of new knowledge; original research, scholarship and creative activities that advance knowledge or the state of the art. 

  • Scholarship of Integration – synthesizing knowledge and making connections across disciplines. 

  • Application – leveraging disciplinary and professional expertise to address the industry/societal issues of the times in a dynamic process. 

  • Teaching/Learning – transmitting, transforming and extending knowledge; systematic study of teaching and learning processes. 

Additionally, the scholarship of engagement connects discovery, integration, application, teaching and learning to the understanding and solving of pressing social, civic, and ethical problems. For more information, visit Cal Poly’s Teacher Scholar Model webpage. 

Extramural grant funding facilitates faculty engagement in research, scholarly and creative activities by supporting direct project costs, faculty compensation, student stipends, and other related expenses, while advancing our commitment to the teacher-scholar model. Faculty at primarily undergraduate institutions must balance competing demands with relatively high teaching loads. Faculty consistently report time constraints as a barrier to their ongoing engagement in deep and meaningful scholarly pursuits. The Division of Research Proposal Development Program has been designed to provide assigned time and/or additional compensation to support faculty in the preparation and submission or resubmission of external funding proposals. 

*Applicants may only apply to one Proposal Development Program per award cycle. Applicants can submit to either the Revise and Resubmit OR Blue-Green Economy, but not both. 

Revise & Resubmit Information and RFP

Please click the above link to access the RFP, additional information, and instructions for applying to the Proposal Development Program: Revise & Resubmit.

Blue-Green Economy Information and RFP

Please click the above link to access the RFP, additional information, and instructions for applying to the Proposal Development Program: Blue-Green Economy.

Please contact with any questions.

View the recorded information session video from January 11, 2024 HERE. Password is: WV#2ka=E

Archived 2022-23 Proposal Development Program

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