Grant-Matching Support Practices

In order to provide incentives to faculty to secure peer-reviewed funding for their own scholarship, as well as for programs that fund institutional initiatives such as curriculum development and facilities enhancement, the University may provide matching funds for the following types of grants.

Grants Requiring Institutional Match

The University will normally provide required grant matching when all of the following conditions are met:

  1. The grant is from an agency/sponsor that requires peer review of grant proposals.
  2. The granting agency/sponsor requires an institutional match.
  3. The cost of matching is justified by the benefit to the institution and the fit with college and University strategic planning objectives.
  4. The college/department has made a commitment to provide at least one half of the required match.
  5. If the Office of Academic Affairs has agreed to participate in the match, and the grant proposal has been reviewed and signed by that office prior to submission.

The Office of Academic Affairs will only provide support in exceptional cases, in which an award is expected to have a major University-wide impact.

NOTE: If the Provost's Office indicates on the PAF that its commitment will be confirmed at some time in the future, the colleges will be responsible for obtaining that confirmation OR will assume responsibility for the entire matching commitment if the proposal is successful and an award is made.

Grants for Which Institutional Match is Desirable

The colleges/departments may provide matching support for grants even though the match is not required. Usually this will occur when all the following conditions are met:

  1. The grant is from an agency/sponsor that requires peer review of grant proposals.
  2. The institutional match increases the chance of the award being made.
  3. The cost of matching is justified by the benefit to the institution and the fit with college and University strategic planning objectives.
  4. The college/department has made a commitment to provide the proposed match.
  5. The grant proposal has been reviewed and signed by the Department Head and Dean prior to submission of the grant proposal.

Grant-Matching Request Form

To fill out a Grant-Matching Request Form, please contact the Grants Development Office.

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