Centers, Institutes, and Specialized Laboratories/Facilities

Centers and Institutes

Establishing a Center at Cal Poly

Periodic Review of Campus Centers and Institutes

Name Change Requests/Updates to Mission or Internal Organizational Protocol

  • Procedures and Sample Requests for Name Change Requests/Updates to Mission or Internal Organizational Protocol (pdf or Word doc)

Specialized Equipment Available for Use

The Shared Equipment spreadsheet (Excel file on OneDrive) contains a list of equipment avalable at Cal Poly that the owners are generously open to sharing.  Contact the person listed on the spreadsheet for sharing requirements, which may include contributions for consumables and maintenance.

Specialized Laboratories/Facilities

Those who wish to engage in research collaboration with Cal Poly (including tenants of the Technology Park) may access a variety of specialized, on-campus facilities and equipment, including:

  • Analytical instrumentation
  • Specialized research databases and search services
  • Earthquake simulation equipment
  • Geographical information systems (GIS) centers
  • Irrigation practice field
  • Rapid prototyping laboratory
  • Remote technologies laboratory
  • Scanning electron and atomic force microscopes
  • Traffic control simulation center
  • Transportation electronics laboratory
  • Usability testing facilities
  • Videoconferencing facilities
  • Wind tunnel

Additional information on research and faculty expertise in the academic departments can be accessed through the College or Department home pages. In addition, the following projects/laboratories have provided direct links to their web pages:

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